Tuesday, 23 December 2014

6 Months

Half way to a year! Avery is 6 months old. I imagined this age for months & months. Now it's here. Quite a special milestone... Just in time for Christmas. We are all very excited that she is finally here & we can celebrate it with her (last year at this time we were just announcing to friends & extended family our pregnancy).

We just had our 6 month checkup & Avery is healthy as can be! She weighed in at 18lbs 9oz., just over 27 inches long & she's in the 85th percentile for height, weight & head circumference. Her height seems to have tapered off since previous visits. She is now eating solids & can't get enough! Rice cereal, fruits & veggies are a hit (puréed of course). We have a big eater on our hands. Still not rolling but constantly working on her abs by planking & lots of tummy time.  Almost sitting on her own. Constantly saying "mom, mom, mom" while smacking her lips together. Loves to have her hands & toes kissed, giggles, gives us big gummy smiles non-stop. Finally growing her hair back. She does have an interest in the Christmas tree, she really enjoys staring at the lights & ornaments. Grabbing EVERYTHING & it all goes in her mouth. We did some festive photos for the 6 month update because it seemed fitting! Also photos are a lot harder than they used to be, arms & legs are moving everywhere. 

I can hardly wait to make memories on Christmas Day! 

Melissa xo 

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