Sunday, 9 March 2014

Nesting, Nesting & more Nesting

Feels like I have been going through a lot of changes lately (not just the fact I have a baby growing inside of me) but at home too. All of a sudden it hit me that I wanted to set up a nursery, re-do a bathroom, paint furniture, plant a garden, clean the entire house top to bottom & the list goes on.... I've heard of this "nesting" phase but I thought it wouldn't effect me. I always felt I was on top of cleaning & having our house organized. Now it feels like time is of the essence and there are a million things to be done! I better start making my list of to-do's as we are on the 15 week countdown. When did this pregnancy start going so quickly?! 

We have accomplished a lot in the nursery. We put up our polka dot Urban Wall decals, set up the dressers (filled with clothes, shoes, blankets etc.) crib & shelf, picked up an area rug & now just waiting for prints to arrive to complete our gallery wall. Starting to feel like a cozy little room for our baby, thanks to my wonderful husband for all the work he has put into it. 

Here's a sneak peek of what we have been up to:

Baby girl is moving like crazy! I'm not sure if she is trying to get my attention or she is trying to burn off energy. Thankfully it's during the day so I can still get a good nights sleep (knock on wood). I can actually see my stomach moving now. Very neat! Appetite still feels the same, lots of fresh fruit seems to be what I "crave". I can't seem to get enough of navel oranges. We are just over 6 months now & everyone seems to notice within the last week that I finally look pregnant. No denying the baby bump now. This week baby girl will start to open her eyelids. Also, if the belly is poked she will most likely move around. So amazing to learn the new developments week by week. 

Melissa xo 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just came to your blog from instagram. So lovely! I want dotty walls like this in my nursery so bad :) Many congratulations by the way, it's so exciting! Sarah x
