Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Our New Home

We took possession of our home in the beginning of June. Which now feels like a lifetime ago! Our home was a blank palette... It made me go the minimal route. Less ‘things’ to take up space & more quality/ special pieces. As soon as the moving truck arrived we wanted everything unpacked & put in it’s place (because we all know it’s easy to move with small children 😬). 

It took about a week to unpack, organize & settle. Another few weeks to put the items we weren’t using into the crawlspace. Finally, we hung some art on the walls & made the commitment! (Why does hanging something on the wall feel so final?) It felt good to be ‘home’ & to enjoy our new house. 

Then we moved onto the projects. First, it was staining the massive fence. We were grateful to have that done for us prior to moving. Not so excited about it when we realized we had to paint by hand each panel. We caved & bought a spray gun! It was a lifesaver. Not to mention timing when we stained (no rain in the forecast, not in the heat of the day). It was accomplished at night while the kids were in bed & the mosquitos were out! Then it was onto the garage. Purchasing large storage racks, bike racks & making a hanging storage area for bigger garden tools, brooms, etc. Our last big project of the summer was the front garden. We took the summer to compile ideas (thanks to the rest of the neighborhood for giving us inspiration) & to wander nurseries. Something we didn’t want to rush but for good reason. We both agreed plants lining the driveway would give our home curb appeal & give it a finished look. Who knew gardening could be so satisfying? We were so happy with how it turned out. Lavender, heather, schrubs, grasses & a beautiful ‘lime light’ hydrangea is what we went with. Next up will be planning our flower garden in the backyard. The spring bulbs are going to be planted very soon. 

Excited to see what our next project will be! For now we’ll enjoy our home & the work we’ve put in.