Friday, 26 May 2017

The First Month With Harrison

I still remember the day after we arrived home waking up in an absolute newborn fog. So glad to be home but everything was slow moving. The first couple weeks felt good insanely busy but good. As the next couple weeks went on they became more & more challenging. 

It's been a hard transition... I've gone from being efficient & being able to do everything to starting back at square one. Harrison hasn't been the easiest baby. He only wants to be held, in the wrap or be rocked most of the day. So the little to-do's that were once so easy to complete are now a big deal! It's an accomplishment now if I get out of my pajama pants by noon! Trying to enjoy these moments of newborness in between the chaos. 

Harrison has just started smiling & it's absolutely adorable! He starts his day off with a big grin & coo's. He's been tracking with his eyes & curious about everything. Does not enjoy the Mamaroo, so we might as well just get rid of it. At 6 weeks he weighed in at 12lbs 14oz. Despite having reflux I guess he's getting exactly what he needs to thrive. Avery adores him. She always wants to touch his face, give him kisses & check on him. Thankfully she doesn't refer to him as "Chip" anymore. She calls him "Baby Bro" or "Harrison John". Pretty special to watch the two of them together. 








Tuesday, 2 May 2017

The DockaTot

We had a heck of a time with sleep with our first born. Nothing seemed to work for us.... All I can remember was endless hours of standing up bouncing & rocking with tired, heavy eyes. Along with singing the same nursery rhymes over & over again! What I would've done to have had a Dockatot back then... I probably would've given my right arm! 




I had said to my husband from the beginning of our second pregnancy "the only thing we really need this time is the Dockatot". He actually agreed with me! There's a lot of things you forget about newborns but the non-existent sleep was something that we both never forgot about. We received the Dockatot for Harrison & so far it's been amazing! We've placed it in our king sized bed on top of our duvet. I put Harrison in there & he will sleep for a couple of hours (when he's not struggling with tummy issues). Then when it comes time for his nap I try & place him in there.  It's also been handy to move the Dockatot from room to room. That way I'm able to get housework done & he can sleep soundly. He's cocooned perfectly in the Dockatot & extremely cozy. It's the perfect baby item for the expecting parents!