With a second birthday fast approaching we decided (well actually Avery decided) it was time to sleep in her "big girl bed". She returned home from a trip at grandmas & told us she wanted to sleep in it. With the bed being set up in her room for months we thought it was a great idea! Little did we know the challenges that came along with it after we took down the crib. Avery wouldn't stay in there, wanted us to lay with her for hours & would wake up frequently during the night. Knock on wood things might start to be getting better.
We spend each day doing at least one activity whether it be a walk, a trip to the library, an ocean adventure or even a play date we make sure we always have something to look forward to. Little miss chatty is now saying sentences & comes up with her own phrases! Too cute. Still loves to eat (we are so thankful) we call her the seaweed monster... She can't get enough of it! I would never imagine kids to enjoy seaweed, hmm.
Although we have had our hands full we still have so much fun!