Tuesday, 26 August 2014

2 Months

This little love just becomes more & more fun by the week! Amazing to watch her development & changes almost everyday. I have heard of the "Wonder Weeks" app (which I will be purchasing) it informs you of all the mental leaps & bounds your baby is making. Especially as a first time parent wondering if she is on track or if what she is doing is "normal". 

In the past few days we have had much better sleeps. Longer stretches at night, although fights naps during the day... I think it's just her having FOMO. We are starting to establish a bit of a routine but I'm sure it won't really be in place for another month. The two things we need to focus on right now are immunizations & transitioning from the bassinet to crib (although I wish she could be in the bassinet beside me forever!) 

We just had her 2 month check up. She's a lovely 12lbs 11oz. In the 90th percentile for height & 85th for weight. She cannot stop smiling & cooing while having her diaper changed. Loves to be in the Mamaroo or swing with music. We may have purchased a Raffi soundtrack for her. Definitely a morning baby, wakes up with a huge smile. Loves to suck on her hand after being fed. Doesn't mind being in her car seat as long as we are moving in the car or stroller. Kicking her strong legs is her favorite past time. Loves to have her feet, tummy & cheeks kissed. Her favorite trick is to wet her diaper after Dad changes it. Love reading her books she also loves to speak over us (she has discovered her voice). We couldn't ask for a happier baby! 

Melissa xx

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Life As I Know It

Before I became a full-time Mom I was a Monday to Friday girl. I used to live for the weekends! Now I find it hard to tell the days apart. Days turn into weeks & the weeks blend into months? When your energy is focused solely on the well being of your babe, time doesn't matter. Things are starting to get a little more "normal" around here. We are trying to be a little more organized such as planning out meals & grocery shopping for more than one meal at a time. So far so good!  Started to sleep more now usually only up once a night (knock on wood) Speaking of time, it's limited these days with getting myself prepped & ready for the day. I find myself throwing on boyfriend jeans, simple graphic tees, a pair of Converse & a few accessories (if I want to get fancy). Not only is it easy but it's become my "Mom style". I'm always rushing to have a shower & get ready during Avery's happy time in her Mamaroo. Hard to believe in just a week we will have a 3 month old.... And it will also be our 1 year wedding anniversary. What a year we've had! Everything seems so fast paced but this is life as we know it & I love it! 

Melissa xo 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Letter to A

Dear sweet girl, 

You have completely melted my heart. Life feels complete with you. I wasn't sure what to expect before you made your entrance into this world, now I can't picture my life without you. I could go on about my hopes & dreams for you but what I hope most of all is that you love & that you are a kind person. You will go so far with these two attributes. Love yourself & others, the world needs more love. "Be kind everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle". My promise to you is to care for you, love you unconditionally & teach you important life lessons. Love you to the moon & back!

Mom xo 

(Image Anna Bond) 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

6 Weeks

I am seriously wondering how 6 weeks already went by! Wow... I guess that's what happens when you have a baby. I felt like the first month of Avery's life I somewhat went into survival mode (of course after the adrenaline wore off from having a new baby). All I could really do every day was "get through". I think sleep deprivation, hormones & a new little human to care for finally set in. Newborns are harder than I imagined. Everybody says "oh newborns are so easy because all they do is eat & sleep". All I kept wishing for was for our baby to get past the newborn phase so we could get to know her adorable personality. Well here we are at 6 weeks & I couldn't be more in love with her & her personality. She is such a joy! It's non stop smiles all day long (don't get me wrong she does have her grumpy moments) She will even wake up in the middle of the night smiling at me... Melt my heart! She's very responsive now as well. Makes the cutest coo's when having her diaper changed.  Analyzing our faces & turning her head when she hears our voices. It's also so special to see the bond between her & Dad. He's so great with her. It's nice to have him more involved now too as the beginning seems like it's all about Mom & baby. She gets excited every time she hears his voice. I look forward to all the special moments the two of them will have together. She is chubbing up quite well, all the little rolls are starting on her arms & legs. We can't get enough of her these days! 

I decided to quickly do some photos of Avery this morning before her nap. Since we have a great camera I thought I would put it to use. We didn't get newborn photos done the timing didn't seem right & I thought it might be a bit much having wedding, maternity, delivery & newborn photos all done in one year! 

Melissa xo