Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Maternity Photos (35 Weeks)

have been documenting my pregnancy by photos since 9 weeks (well let's be honest, my husband has been). Between my mirror selfies, drawing of the fruit or veggie on the chalkboard (according to the "What to Expect" app) to posing in front of a blank wall I think we pretty much captured it. Thank goodness my husband has been so easy going about being my on-demand photographer. 

I decided that I wanted to treat myself to professional photos. Who knows how many times in your life you will be pregnant, I have always loved the look of a pregnant woman. Plus this feels like a very special time in our lives & I wanted to make sure it was photographed. I felt like these were more for me than anyone else, so I saved my husband from attending the photoshoot. I went with Sheri Shanahan from Sheri Shanahan Photography. Living on the westcoast & being a fantastic time of year I knew I wanted it outside & to have a "natural" look to them. We decided that Piper's Lagoon would be a perfect location (grass & trees on one side & the ocean on the other). Sheri was amazing! I can't say enough great things about her. She had the same ideas as me & her passion for photography was evident. So grateful I had the opportunity to have these photos done. I know one day I will look back & have fond memories....


Melissa xo

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

35 Weeks!

We are currently at 35.5 weeks! Unreal... I'm finally finished work, currently nesting like crazy & trying to get some relaxation in before our baby girl arrives. I started on the outside & am now working my way inside. At least I can enjoy my backyard now :) I didn't realize that you feel the need to clean & organize every square inch of your home? 

I see the doctor every week now. Today he told me the baby's head is very far down in the birthing canal (sorry might be too much info) explains the pelvis pain I have every day. Apparently I am a "fingertip" dilated as well. This could go on for weeks so in the mean time I will just have to be patient. Baby is the size of a large cantaloupe (5.5 lbs). Heard her sweet little heart beat again today. She seems to be healthy & content. I'm feeling full on kicks & jabs now. I always feel her little feet at the side of my stomach sticking out, I'm sure I will miss that. Still feeling pretty good for the most part, able to still do the same things as before just needing a little more sleep at night (waking up usually at 3:00 AM seems to be a normal occurrence). Had my maternity photoshoot yesterday. It was so fun! I went with Sheri Shanahan of Sheri Shanahan Photography. She shared the same vision as I did for the shoot. The little daisies in the grass were the perfect setting for the pictures. We also did some by the ocean. Excited  to receive more copies of the photos! 

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." Winnie The Pooh

Melissa xo 

Thursday, 8 May 2014

33 Weeks, Countdown is On!

Hard to believe we have only 6 weeks left until we are at 40 weeks! Every morning I wake up feeling ambitious to do a million things but by mid-day all I would like to do is nap.... My list of things to accomplish is growing by the moment. I think the panic is starting to set in "this will be the last 6 weeks of my life to have time to myself & to get things done". Everyone I know has recently told me their birth stories (some really great & others not so great). Main thing I'm trying to remember from these stories is chances of the baby being healthy are 90%. Mothers give birth every single day across the world. The female body is meant to do this! Plus the benefit of meeting our little girl at the end is all worth it! 

Baby girl is the size of a pineapple this week. Weighing in at almost 5 lbs! She's keeping me up a lot more at night now. Very active! I don't know what's going on in there, perhaps a dance party? I think it happens to be right on top of my bladder.  I'm getting up a few times throughout the night ( a lot of pelvic pain as well). Who needs sleep anyways? I believe this happens in the third trimester just to prepare the soon to be momma's of an interrupted sleep pattern. 

For the most part we feel ready for her arrival. My husband ordered our last "big purchase" today, the baby monitor. We went with the D-Link wifi baby monitor. It really is amazing how technology has advanced so much. We can control it from our smartphones & iPads! My next thing to do is get the hospital bag ready. I think I have an idea of what to bring but any helpful suggestions would be great! 

Melissa xo