We went to our doctors on a Tuesday morning to have the gender of the baby sealed in the envelope. Of course the doctor told us everything looked great with the baby & also warned us that they can only be 98% accurate with the gender. He sealed the envelope & we left his office feeling extremely excited/ anxious for what was to be revealed inside.
My husband Chris & I had this big elaborate plan of having a cake made & celebrating with family. Or the most recent idea was popping a large black ballon with confetti inside. Well we lasted all of 2 minutes before we got into the car looked at each other & decided it was time to open it.... The suspense was killing us both so we just had to do it! I captured the moment on video of Chris ripping open the envelope (picture a kid on Christmas morning after Santa has come!) He held up the doctors note which had a few lines written on it, threw me off. I was looking for a simple message that said "boy or girl". Until I glanced at it again, I read "the fetus appears to be female". Oh my goodness!!!!! Such excitement & happiness :) Of course there were tears of joy. Chris had been saying baby girl since day 1 but for some reason I had thought it would be a boy. Wow!

We kept the secret to ourselves for a few days but everyone else was bugging us to find out so we sent out the video to our friends & family to share the news. We feel so extremely grateful that not only is our baby healthy but she is a little girl. So excited to welcome her in June. We love you already baby Coulter xoxo.