Monday, 17 February 2014

22 Weeks!

It seems strange to see 18 weeks to go now instead of having more weeks ahead of us.... We are getting there! The weeks seem to be going by so quickly! Every Sunday we have the "changing of the fruit" which means our "What To Expect" app changes to a new fruit or veggie... Big day around the Coulter household. 

Baby is the size of a papaya this week (8 inches, 1.2 lbs) & active as ever! Babe is starting to put some chub on starting now. I am feeling so much movement, melts my heart. Even Chris can feel her too which is quite special for the both of us. She is more active during the day rather than night (fingers crossed we have a sleeper). Starting to feel really good, more energy & I think the morning sickness may have passed... I don't want to curse myself. Booked our prenatal classes/ hospital tour last week. Things are really getting real around here! We will be seeing a new doctor next week who will hopefully be delivering baby Coulter. 

Photo credit to my patient husband who spent the time capturing these moments while sick. 

"Carrying a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can enjoy." 
- Jayne Mansfield

We love you already Baby Coulter.

Melissa xo 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Tofino Getaway

We had a chance to get away for the long weekend (BC family day). We decided we wanted to go to Cox a Bay, Tofino. It is one of our go-to spots for many reasons (location, we can bring our fur baby....) 

We lucked out with the weather. Sun was shining & couldn't be better for beach strolls. We love going here because it's a place of ultimate relaxation. Nothing but walking the beach, relaxing in front of the fire with good food & company. Without fail we always grab lunch at Tacofino (the worlds best fish tacos) and our morning coffee at the Tofitian. I would say on average we make it to Tofino about 4 times a year. A place that is close both our hearts. We also spent our honey moon in Cox Bay. I can't wait to introduce our baby to the beach & create memories.... The westcoast truly is the best coast, we love where we live!

Melissa xo 

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Baby Girl!

We went to our doctors on a Tuesday morning to have the gender of the baby sealed in the envelope. Of course the doctor told us everything looked great with the baby & also warned us that they can only be 98% accurate with the gender. He sealed the envelope & we left his office feeling extremely excited/ anxious for what was to be revealed inside. 

My husband Chris & I had this big elaborate plan of having a cake made & celebrating with family. Or the most recent idea was popping a large black ballon with confetti inside. Well we lasted all of 2 minutes before we got into the car looked at each other & decided it was time to open it.... The suspense was killing us both so we just had to do it! I captured the moment on video of Chris ripping open the envelope (picture a kid on Christmas morning after Santa has come!) He held up the doctors note which had a few lines written on it, threw me off. I was looking for a simple message that said "boy or girl". Until I glanced at it again, I read "the fetus appears to be female". Oh my goodness!!!!! Such excitement & happiness :) Of course there were tears of joy. Chris had been saying baby girl since day 1 but for some reason I had thought it would be a boy. Wow! 

We kept the secret to ourselves for a few days but everyone else was bugging us to find out so we sent out the video to our friends & family to share the news. We feel so extremely grateful that not only is our baby healthy but she is a little girl. So excited to welcome her in June. We love you already baby Coulter xoxo.